Friday, May 26, 2006

9 years and counting

We've passed the 7 yr itch! Wasn't a problem, really. Every year, we still learn a lot about each other. I think one of the coolest aspects of being married this long is that we finish each other's sentences and thoughts. We even look at the same things on the road while driving in the car (gets me in trouble sometimes, heh). I guess that's why old couples don't seem to talk at all, because they're reading each other's minds. We can definitely know when we're in tune, because we won't fight as much, or be as irritable with each other or with the kids.

We'll save the big trip next year for our 10 year anniversary, maybe to Hawaii or a Carribean cruise. We had a great time in our 5 year Ensonada/Catalina cruise, but too much rain and not enough spending money. So this year, Reno was it. It was nice to not have the kids there and have some quality time together. But then, looking in the rear view mirror of the car and not seeing their cute smiles felt a little empty. (only for a little bit. this was our time alone)


a day later, we were home, and things were back to normal....whatever that is.

we had a great time though,
luv ya babe!


Blogger Heather said...

Ahhh, how sweet. Love the Reno pictures, those giant chairs are cool. Happy Anniversary!!!!!

1:32 PM  

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